By Alexandra Pusta


Sun is shining, it‘s hot outside, your skin is getting tanned – an you can’t keep your ass up on the pole. Let’s face the truth, sunny weather is amazing but not the best climate for your pole practice. Since making a pause is no option, we have to find a way of practicing while sweat is running down our whole body like crazy.

How to prepare for poling during summer?

1. Drinking enough water

First of all and in my opinion the most important thing: drink a lot of water! Since we are sweating like crazy we need to drink more water to keep our cardiovascular system running well. You have to stays hydrated the whole day. This prevents from getting dizzy or suffering from headache. 

2. No cream  (body lotion or sunscreen)

Do not put any cream on your body the evening before pole class!  Your skin will be slippery, even on the next day! Also don’t use sunscreen before pole. If you are outside and can’t handle the sun without sunscreen, take a shower before class to get rid of the cream on your body. (This does not mean you should lie in the sun without protecting your skin!) I would recommend to wear a shirt or using a sunshade.

3. No sunbathing 

However I don’t recommend lying in the sun before class. Not only because of the sunscreen you should use when getting tanned. But also because of the heat which may has a bad effect on your body and strength. Also keep in mind how horrible it will hurt if you attend pole class with sunburned skin. Better be careful.

4. Wash your hands during class

Wash your hands before or even during class. I’m not a fan of grip aid because you can’t calculate your grip anymore when using it. I prefer washing my hands often to get rid of the sweat. If this does not help, I would recommend all grip aids that dry your body. For me Dryhands does not work but most people love it.

5. Use Vodka

Use Vodka not only to clean your pole but also to scrub your whole body with a towel. Focus on your knee pits and the sides of your belly and upper body. Most pole tricks need at least one of this body parts for grip. 

6. Do you have a fan in your studio? If yes, use it!

Dry your sweat while standing in front of a fan. Dry sweat is sometimes even stickier than grip aid (depending on your seat of course) and what’s better than sticky skin when everyone else is slipping down the pole.


Alexandra: I started with poledance in January 2013, aerial hoop was following some month later and since autumn  2015 I'm poledance and aerial Hoop instructor in our lovely Polestars Austria dancestudio. I attended my very first competition in March 2019. Poledance is not only my passion; it’s my whole way of life, it turned to be the rhythm of my heartbeat over the last years. What I like most about poledance is that there are so many ways of practicing. No matter if it’s a flowy choreo, a hard muscle workout or thrilling flips. You will never get bored. My favourite trick is the Janeiro and I love dancing in a dynamic way making a static pole look like spinning. My special Tipp: “Feel the music, your body knows what to do anyway”

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