Written by Cori Reski
We all have that move. The one we want SO BADLY but just can’t seem to get. Though lots and lots of practice will eventually land you that move, if you’re frustrated beyond belief, there are other things you can do that might be just as helpful. For instance, sometimes taking a step away from the pole for a few days will do the trick. A clear mind and a fresh start often help make a move seem less daunting. Sometimes getting help from a different pole instructor does the trick. Everyone has different ways of explaining how to get into specific moves, and maybe a different approach is all your brain needs for it to click. And sometimes, just putting on the perfect song does the trick. A song that pumps you up. A song that makes you feel invincible. A song that lets you know you can do this.
These are the songs I turn to when I’m struggling with a move.
5. I’ve Got My Mind Set On You – George Harrison
Look, Harrison says in the song, “it’s gonna take time, a whole lotta precious time. It’s gonna take patience and time to do it right” and he’s right. Nailing your nemesis move is going to be challenging and time consuming. You can’t expect to get it right away. I like to put this song on when I’m struggling with a move to remind myself of just that. It helps me feel less anxious about not getting a trick the first few times I try it. And when I’m feeling less anxious, pole moves seem to come easier.
4. Survivor – Destiny’s Child
“I’m a survivor, I’m not gon’ give up, I’m not gon’ stop, I’m gon’ work harder.” So, you’ve been working on your aerial invert forever and you just can’t to get it. It might take a few months of work, but guess what? That aerial invert will be yours. How do I know that? Because (sing it with me now) you’re a survivor! You’re not going to give up! You’re going to stop, you’re going to nail it!
3. S.O.B. – Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats
This song’s upbeat tempo and chorus is perfect for the anger that might start to set in after the 500th time of trying and failing your nemesis move. But it’s okay to be angry about not getting a move. Use that anger. It might be exactly what you need to finally nail the trick that’s been eluding you.
2. Don’t You Give Up on Me – Lissie
Lissie is one of my absolute favorite artists, and this song is one of her best. It’s the song I had on when I nailed my Airplane, my Handspring, my Cupid. It will forever be the song I turn to when I’m struggling with a move. I listen to it as though it’s my soul speaking to my stupid brain, begging it not to give up on me. Sounds a little crazy, right? But it’s worked for me so far.
1. Return of the King – the Lord of the Rings soundtrack
The third to last song on the Return of the King soundtrack is the most hopeful song I have ever heard. It is 10 minutes of pure ‘you got this’. I cannot tell you how many times I have put this song on to help stop flowing tears and to quell frustration. It works every time. Because you know what? If Frodo can get that ring to Mordor, you can get up, dust yourself off, and try that move again. Frodo was successful in his journey. You’ll be successful in yours, too.
Cori Reski started her pole dance journey in 2016. Since then, she’s competed four times and performed in numerous showcases. When she’s not on the pole, Cori spends her time writing books for children and updating her cat’s Instagram page. Check out her instagram!